Thursday 4 November 2010

The Best Podcasts You'll Ever Hear! Or My Favourites At Least

I listen to a hell of a lot of podcasts, 23 in fact, which is quite a lot of audio... And I thought I'd share some of my favourites :-)

What's a podcast I hear (some of) you cry? A regular audio show, much like radio, that's uploaded to the internet for anyone to download and listen to. You can subscribe in iTunes and it'll automatically download the new ones for you. Sometime's they'll be actual radio shows that you can listen to whenever, sometimes they'll be made purely for podcasting. 

This Week in Google: My favourite show on the TWiT network, that is supposed to be about Google and the cloud, but is actually just three really smart people talking about the web, journalism, ethics, openness, and tech in general. Leo Laporte runs the show, the long time tech journalist; along with Gina Trapani, a blogger and open source programmer; and Jeff Jarvis, a journalist and new media (horrible term) advocate. I love the new perspectives that they get on the news, not just the traditional gadget reporting of specs and rumours.

Dan Carlin's Hardcore History: Awesome podcast that makes history fascinating and exciting. He has a knack for really making it feel like a story, not just dry facts about who did what when. He's covered everything from the fall of the Roman empire to the Eastern Front in World War II.

Another F1 podcast: There's a lot of dreadful F1 podcasts out there - boring, boring, boring - Another F1 podcast however is different. Done by two comedians, there's lots of (genuinely funny) jokes, swearing and ripping into Jonathan Legard. They actually manage to make reviewing the race I just watched entertaining, which is properly impressive.

This American Life: Hipster's favourite, a American (funnily enough) radio show about well... loads of cool and interesting stuff. It's kind of investigative journalism, combined with fascinating real-life stories. Excellent

Fighting Talk: Sport/Comedy/Quiz show on BBC Radio 5 live. Colin Murray is the host, with a whole load of sports people, comedians, sports reporters to do a quiz about the week's sport. Really funny, fast paced - love it

Finally, my Huffduffer feed: this one's a little different, because Huffduffer is a really cool site that lets you capture random bits of audio floating about the web, and turn it into your own personal podcast. I use it for listening to conference talks, podcasts that I want to try out, random bits of weird music. I also like following @Huffduffer on Twitter, as I'll occasionally see something that looks cool and grab that. You can also see what other users are Huffduffing and subscribe to their feeds, which I do a lot with Jeremy Keith, the site's creator because he always manages to find some cool new stuff. 

As I said I listen to 23 podcasts regularly, so here's the full list, using BridgeURL

Posted via email from 40_thieves's blog

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