Saturday 6 November 2010

Blekko on ReadWriteWeb

First of all, sorry I missed yesterday (I don't know who I'm apologising to, but that's not the point), but I did have a good excuse what with it being my birthday and me being in the pub. So hopefully one missed day is the only one.

I've been working quite a lot today, writing up lecture notes mostly, so I don't have much to report unless you're desperate to learn about negative binary numbers and how they relate to binary subtraction. But if you insist - try here

I did however get the chance to read this great piece by Marshall Kirkpatrick (one of the smartest tech bloggers that I know of) on ReadWriteWeb (probably my favourite of the tech blogs) about Blekko, a new search engine type thing. But how's it different to Google? It allows you specify a certain list of sites to search on, so for example you could set up a list of the best sites on the Internet of Things, and get Blekko to only search that list. It's sort of a curated search, where you know that the content being searched is good quality. It's not so good for general web search - stick to Google for that (I just did a search for that Internet of Things link, and I found it straight away on Google, and not at all on Blekko). Anyway Marshall does a great job of exploring the possibilities of Blekko, and I'm definitely more interested in it after reading the post.

Planning a good post for tomorrow, which may turn out to be a regular feature...

Posted via email from 40_thieves's blog

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